How Massage Therapy can Keep You Healthy this Flu Season

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The cold, wet and gross flu season is with us. We wash our hands, avoid going out, use gallons of hand sanitizer and pounds of sanitizing wipes. We may even increase our vitamin C intake to keep us healthy. But maybe there is something more we can do. And something that wont dry up our skin in this already dry season....

Massage therapy has proven to have a multitude of benefits for our  mental and physical states, and some of these great benefits translate to directly helping our immune system and preventing illnesses. 

Massage helps us stay healthy in a number of ways broadening its approach to our wellness, From lowering stress, to increasing circulation, to aiding our GI tract so our bodies can flush toxins and harmful microbes out. 

Stress, mental or physical put a tole on our bodies, and their ability to work properly.  When we are under and stress our bodies and it's functions are not working at their bests. Which is an opportune time for harmful microbes to invade and make us sick. Receiving massage reduces both physical and mental stress.

Physically, massage therapy alleviates tension and unbalances in the muscle and connective tissue causing strain or discomfort in the body. Reducing physical stress on bone, joints and other muscles and connective tissue .

Mental stress can weaken the immune system, When we are over stressed we have adrenal fatigue from an over production of adrenaline. Massage reduces the production of adrenaline and cortisol in the body while increases the secretion of serotonin and dopamine which are feel good hormone that reduce stress.

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Massaging the body increases circulation through out the body. This improves your circulatory systems function. This breaks down to your cardiovascular system , your system that circulates blood, and lymphatic system, system that circulates lymph. 

Increasing the flow of blood in the body helps you flood nutrients to your cells and clears waist from them. This will keep you healthy and optimumly functional on the cellular level. 

Lymphatic circulation is responsible for clearing you body of toxin, excess fluids and waists. Lymph nodes filter out microbes and toxins to keep you healthy. Massage can help keep this system flowing and prevent blockages that may lead to an invasion of your body by illness. 

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You GI trace or digestive system , digests food but also eliminates waist. As well, a large number of lymph nodes can be found in the gut, So a healthy gut directly relates to a healthy body , Massage to the abdomen can stimulate peristalsis , the wave like contraction that moves waist through you GI and out of the body. Massage will also increase circulation in this area, increase cellular health and the continues flow of lymph through the lymph nodes. 

All of these benefits together keep your body functioning at its best. Nourishing cells eliminating harmful waists , reducing stress and keeping balanced. All key components to a healthy flu free season.