How to get into yoga?

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You have chosen to join the fantastic world of yoga; you've decided to prioritize yourself, stop outsourcing your healing, improve your mobility and improve your stability-

 mentally and physically

But like with most things, for whatever reason there isn't a start line; where do you begin?  do I start by going into a class? do I start by a video at home? start by reading a book? -The answer is to figure out what works best for you; in every situation there are many priorities that come to play.

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Things you want to make sure when starting any kind of fitness body practice, as well as a mental practice, is making sure you're doing it right ,avoiding any injury, avoiding any strain, and any stress again mentally and physically. 

Yoga is awareness, the practice of yoga is being aware of your body, mid and breath in that moment. unlike running on a treadmill and thinking about what you have to do for the rest of the day, what you have to handle with what happened earlier that day.  In yoga you are on your mat, you are thinking about the pose you're thinking about how your body feels in the pose and you are thinking about how your breath feels throughout the pose.- So if awareness is the key to yoga running with intention and mindfulness is practicing yoga, and doing asana(yoga pose) while thinking of your grocery list is not practicing yoga. 

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 In this sense when you are practicing yoga, you are unable to injure yourself because you are completely aware  while doing the asana.

There's plenty of physical challenges in yoga but one of the most challenging part of yoga is the mental part, the ability to let the world around you go and be on an island on your mat and being completely there.

As somebody who practices yoga, and who teaches yoga, as a body worker who helps patients and clients get through injuries from any kind of physical trauma, I always recommend to clients to start with a small groups or one-on-one, in any new physical practice. I highly recommend going to a personal trainer when you still want to start working out more and I highly recommend taking private yoga lessons when you want to start practicing yoga. No different than any other physical practice, alignment posture are key to getting what you want out of a asana and mobility and stability, but as well as preventing any sort of injury, so it is key to know that your alignment is correct, not just when you're in a pose but flowing between poses. Giving a video online or that you bought at the store is a great way to practice yoga but is not a great way to start practicing. You don't have someone there that knows the proper alignments to help with any adjustments, you don't have a person there to see if you need to do a pose differently to make sure you get the most out of your post, you don't have someone there to assist you in preventing any strains for injuries. Taking a class is more beneficial, because there is a teacher who's observing, however, when you go into a class, even a beginner class, it is not as beginner as it probably should be. Realistically, if you've never practice yoga, you don't need a beginner class, you need an intro class. You need to be introduced to yoga because when you've been introduced then you can do beginner stuff but introductory is not a part of average beginner class. Problems that might arise are things might be more challenging than you expected and then become discouraging. Also, if you personally have physical limitations you don't know how to modify poses that the average person can do for you just might need to do a little bit differently; which you can't always do with a whole class. the teacher is unable to show every modification for every physical adjustment. As well, when you're dealing with a class of say 20 students the teacher is unable to give you a hundred percent of their attention. This leaves you open for the opportunity for misalignment and for learning bad habits and learning poses incorrectly.

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 So, what I highly recommend to everyone introducing themselves to this new practice, is to do either very small introductory classes or one-on-one sessions with a yoga instructor. The benefits of doing a one-on-one session with your yoga instructor is you get full attention to make sure your alignment is where it needs to be so you can learn how the poses feels. How the stretches are meant to feel and where the strength is supposed to be coming from. The teacher is also able to customize the class, not only to your limitations and your needs but also to your goals and what you want out of your class. The teachers able to work with imbalances you have in your body to help bring balance back into your body The teacher would be able to help you bring strength where it is needed and flexibility where it's wanted and needed to help you get the most out of your yoga practice. You are able to ask questions throughout the class. Then you can take what you've learned from your private lesson and apply that to your full class or home yoga practice . 

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How frequent and for how long you should be doing private yoga sessions is determined on you. Determined on what your teacher thinks and how you are feeling. What I usually recommend when you're starting, to go minimum of once a week if you can go more than that, that is fantastic, however, if you can at least go once a week, and make sure to do stretching and mobility work in between your personal sessions. I would also recommend going for a minimum of six times and then, as you get more confident and more comfortable with the asanas ,with your body, then you can go to full classes, where you don't need as much focused attention from the teacher. Where you already know how to modify things that are more challenging for you and different poses were you already know what alignment you need in each posture. Then you can always come back to private lessons if you want just a little extra focus on something, if you feel that you're not getting it right, you could always come back to private sessions if you feel you need more attention to reach a goal, maybe you want to get into a headstand, and you would like someone to work with you one-on-one on how is best to get to that goal. Maybe you need a private therapeutic session to recover from an injury or maybe you just prefer private sessions, the way some people prefer to do personal training rather than take a workout class. Whatever fits your comfort, whatever fits your needs. the goal is to get yourself into yoga to get yourself into the practice and to get yourself doing it correctly so you can feel your best and be your happiest!

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How Massage Therapy can Keep You Healthy this Flu Season

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The cold, wet and gross flu season is with us. We wash our hands, avoid going out, use gallons of hand sanitizer and pounds of sanitizing wipes. We may even increase our vitamin C intake to keep us healthy. But maybe there is something more we can do. And something that wont dry up our skin in this already dry season....

Massage therapy has proven to have a multitude of benefits for our  mental and physical states, and some of these great benefits translate to directly helping our immune system and preventing illnesses. 

Massage helps us stay healthy in a number of ways broadening its approach to our wellness, From lowering stress, to increasing circulation, to aiding our GI tract so our bodies can flush toxins and harmful microbes out. 

Stress, mental or physical put a tole on our bodies, and their ability to work properly.  When we are under and stress our bodies and it's functions are not working at their bests. Which is an opportune time for harmful microbes to invade and make us sick. Receiving massage reduces both physical and mental stress.

Physically, massage therapy alleviates tension and unbalances in the muscle and connective tissue causing strain or discomfort in the body. Reducing physical stress on bone, joints and other muscles and connective tissue .

Mental stress can weaken the immune system, When we are over stressed we have adrenal fatigue from an over production of adrenaline. Massage reduces the production of adrenaline and cortisol in the body while increases the secretion of serotonin and dopamine which are feel good hormone that reduce stress.

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Massaging the body increases circulation through out the body. This improves your circulatory systems function. This breaks down to your cardiovascular system , your system that circulates blood, and lymphatic system, system that circulates lymph. 

Increasing the flow of blood in the body helps you flood nutrients to your cells and clears waist from them. This will keep you healthy and optimumly functional on the cellular level. 

Lymphatic circulation is responsible for clearing you body of toxin, excess fluids and waists. Lymph nodes filter out microbes and toxins to keep you healthy. Massage can help keep this system flowing and prevent blockages that may lead to an invasion of your body by illness. 

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You GI trace or digestive system , digests food but also eliminates waist. As well, a large number of lymph nodes can be found in the gut, So a healthy gut directly relates to a healthy body , Massage to the abdomen can stimulate peristalsis , the wave like contraction that moves waist through you GI and out of the body. Massage will also increase circulation in this area, increase cellular health and the continues flow of lymph through the lymph nodes. 

All of these benefits together keep your body functioning at its best. Nourishing cells eliminating harmful waists , reducing stress and keeping balanced. All key components to a healthy flu free season. 

Partner Yoga

Partner yoga  is a yoga practice between two people connecting , supporting and assisting each other through pastures and at times a flow.

For couples, this is a wonderful way to reconnect  in and through many ways . 

In a normal yoga practice you use your breathe to connect to your body. You can use this same principal to connect with your partner, synchronizing your breathe . Once breathe is united, you can connect with movement. 

Different poses will allow you to assist and support each other into the posture. Encouraging connection and also trust between the two. 

This is a practice that can bring balance not just in yourself but in the relationship as well. 

Both partners are fully present and engaged in the practice, rely on each other to move and adjust into poses.  Also, aides in helping to maintain balance, focus and alignment within the poses.  

Benefits of partner/couples yoga include:

  1. Cultivates support in a relationship

  2. Creates shared moments

  3. Learning to let go

  4. Improves self awareness & trust

  5. Creates a sense of balance

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Meet The Noksters : Alisha LMT LE

Alisha, both a Licensed Massage Therapist and Esthetician, has been practicing for over 10 years. She graduated from the New York College of Health Professions and gained her license in 2007. Almost going to school to become a physical therapist, Alisha decided upon Massage because she enjoyed making people feel good while helping them and wanted to explore alternative healing.

She began her journey providing massage in the Hampton's, before moving to NYC for 10 years. There, she gained experience in a variety of massage settings, working with Doctors, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, Personal Trainers and Day Spas.

In 2010 she gained her Esthetics License and incorporated skin care after graduating in Manhattan. She recently moved back to Smithtown, where she continues to learn, grow and provide top quality body work and skin care.

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The Benefits of an Acne Facials and How They Can Help Keep Your Breakouts at Bay!

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Smooth, perfect, baby soft skin is a dream for us all. Sometimes, or for some of us all the time, this is an all to elusive one. Breakouts and pimples leave us less then ready for our close ups.

But what do we do? Covering up with makeup is only a "bandaid" fix and can even worsen the problem. 

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Trapped dirt, oil and dead skin all lead to breakouts. And washing our faces everyday sometimes just isn't enough. Sometimes we need just a little bit more.

Getting a facial geared toward acne on a regular basis (once a month, or every two weeks if acne is more active or if pores are very congested) can help mend and prevent breakouts, as well as heal acne scarring.

Basic clean up, steam and exfoliation removes dead skin cells and rejuvenates the skin. The deep pore-cleansing benefits of the acne facial makes use of extractions, massage techniques and masks targeted specifically for active acne and acne prone skin. 

Herb, botanical and essential oil based organic cleansers and serums help to break up acne-causing bacteria with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, while balanced pH levels keep the skin clear of new breakouts. 

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Extractions can be mild, but with acne-prone skin they are typically a bigger part of acne facials, since debris living inside the pores are then physically removed. 

Toner (rather than astringent - which is usually alcohol based and drying to the skin) then helps balance oil while delivering essential vitamins, minerals and herbs to help with the healing process.

 The facial is topped off by a non-greasy moisturizer. The results will leave your skin soft, bright, revitalized, and ready for that close up!

What to expect at your first facial appointment.

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So, you see The Nook is now offering facials. You have read a short explanation on what it is and why you should get one. And you have now taken the plunge and booked your first Organic Facial at The Wellness Nook...but what's going to happen? What should I wear? Do I get naked? Should I bring anything? What should I expect?

Facials are a deep cleaning of the skin on your face and even down your neck and into the skin over your upper chest known as the décolleté. So, to answer the what to wear or do you get naked questions. Be comfortable is always my thought. Because your esthetician will be working on your face and upper chest you will be taking off any clothes that covers these areas. You also want your shoulders uncovered for some light neck shoulder massaging throughout your treatment. Like in a massage you are always covered with a sheet and blanket to stay comfortable and cozy. 

At your first facial visit you should arrive a few minutes early, as there is a special intake form for this treatment. Nothing too long just some question on you skin, your personal skin care practices and other information to help your esthetician choose the right products for you. All of the products at The Wellness Nook are organic, vegan and gluten free. We have product for average skin, sensitive skin as well as oily and acne prone skin. So, the intake and a quick consultation help determines which line is best for you. 

Now your in the treatment room, snuggled up in our heated table under the blanket. 

First, we wrap your hair in a small towel to keep the product from getting in it. 

Then after covering your eyes, using the magnifying lamp, inspect your skin for the last assessment of deciding which products are best for your skin.

Now your line is picked and the relaxation and cleansing begins. Literally, the esthetician will begin massaging in a cleanser. There will also be an exfoliant, a mask, toner and a moisturizer used throughout the treatment.  

Products get removed with heated moist towels, and pores begin to open with the products, heat and steam. 

With nicely open pores, the esthetician is able to do manual extractions of stubborn black heads, leaving your skin cleaner than ever. 

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With your mask, chilled rose quartz crystals will be massage to the skin around your eyes reducing shadows and puffiness brightening your face.

Treatments and completed with a deeply relaxing facial massage with organic facial moisturizer leaving you glowing.

Sixty minutes of bliss and cleanliness (wish we all know is next to godliness). 

Book your sixty minutes of godliness today!

Facials at The Nook!

New Year , new services and a new look for you!

The Wellness Nook is now offering Organic Facial with Crystal eye Brightening Treatment. 

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Facials are a wonderful way to take care of your skin. All natural, high quality ingredients provide necessary vitamins and nutrients to the skin(your largest organ).

 Utilizing the techniques of TCM((Traditional Chinese Medicine) facial massage, the skin tone, texture, elasticity and vitality is improved, which can help to delay or even reverse fine lines or wrinkles! Leaving skin looking and feeling younger and healthier.

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The balancing effects of acupressure with rose quartz crystals around the eyes decreases puffiness and dark circles. 

 Monthly facials even out your complexion, decongest your pores and ease away stress. 

Feel pampered and an increased sense of well-being and euphoria when you get a facial at The Wellness Nook.

Meet The Nooksters: Vicky Massage Therapist

Vicky graduated from the New York College of Health Professions back in April of 2006. Since then she's worked local spas and franchises practicing many body therapies such as swedish massage, deep tissue massage, hydrating body wraps, body scrubs, hot stone massage, aromatherapy and more.

Additionally, Vicky's worked in a few different Chiropractors' offices practicing medical and sports massage as well.

Back in March of 2017 Vicky was certified in Ashiatsu by DeepFeet Bar Therapy, and then in April of 2018 she received certification in Ashi-Thai by the same company.

Vicky enjoys helping people feel their best by offering them the best bodywork she can give tailored to their individual needs.

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