The Essence Of Relaxation: essential oils for relaxation!

Everyday, especially in New York, we stress, worry, give ourselves anxiety, just over all wind ourselves up. We NEED to relax. So we get massages, and that is all well and good but you tragically can't be in a massage all day every day! We practice yoga, fine and dandy but you try doing down dog while crawling down the LIE when your already 10 minutes late for a meeting! And even though breathing right helps, sometimes it is just not cutting it. So, maybe we need to breath in the essence of relaxation. Here are some of the best essential oils for stress relief and relaxation. 

Well ,of course in any thing about relaxing oils, the number one has always been and remains lavender oil.  And honestly for good reason. This super oil not only is great for relaxation, helps improve sleep and reduce stress. It has other fantastic uses as well, like relieving migraines, reducing itchiness of bug bites, improve sinus function, and even good for mild burns...

Another lovely flower, rose is also great for anxiety. Shown to even help with panic attacks and depression. 

Another family favorite, chamomile. We love it in tea and love to breath it as well. Reducing anxiousness , stress and worry. 

Ylang ylang, not just cheerful to say but to smell. The use of this oil has shown to encourage optimism and make you over all cheerful. 

Though not going to relax you to sleep, Grapefruit is great for combating depression and the dreadful six letter word....stress. And when you are rid of that you are more relaxed.

With all of these oil you can simply put a few drops on a tissue and tuck it in your bra, or put a drop behind the ears, or just some on you hands and cup them over you face and breath in sweet serenity. Oils are great for adding to your already relaxing massages or yoga session but an ideal way of staying unwound everywhere. Enjoy my friends!


CranioSacral Massage

“CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle approach that can dramatically improve your life. It can releases tension deep in your body to reduce pain, minimize dysfunction, decrease stress and improve your whole-body health and performance.


The central nervous system has a large influence over your health, and the craniosacral system (the soft tissues and fluid that protect your brain and spinal cord.) has a huge impact on your central nervous system.


Every day you encounter stress and strains and your body absorbs it all in one form or another. But your body can only handle so much before the tissues begin to tighten and potentially affect the brain and spinal cord.


CranioSacral Therapy aims to release those tensions to allow your body to relax and settle back into balance. Using a gentle touch – the therapist follows the subtle rhythm of the craniosacral system as it radiates outward and throughout the body. Looking for imbalances and focusing on those areas.


How is a CST session different than a Swedish massage?

  • you can stay clothed, wearing loose fitting, comfortable clothing

  • there is no oil or lotion used

  • the approach is a light-touch at various stations of the body, there are no massage strokes of the soft tissue


CranioSacral Therapy is safe and effective for all ages and levels of health.


Conditions CST can address:



Blood Pressure - normalize

Brain & Spinal Cord Injuries

Central Nervous System Disorders

Cerebral Congestion – decreased

Cerebral Palsy

Chronic Pain




Epilepsy & Seizures



Headaches & Migraines

Hearing – Tinnitus & Infections

Herniated Discs

Immune Deficiencies

Irritable Bowels

Learning Disabilities


Low Back Pain


Menstruation / Cramps

Motor-Coordination Impairments

Neck Pain

Orthopedic Disorders

Personality Changes & Disorders

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Promote Lymph Drainage


Pulmonary Congestion – decreased

Reproductive Problems


Short Term Memory

Sinus Problems

Smell – sense of


Spinal Fusions
Stress & Tension-Related Disorders


Talking / Speech


TMJ Dysfunction


Vitality - increased



And Many More….

                     by Nookster Kelly

What to Expect at Your First Acupuncture Treatment've finally decided to do it.  You're ready!  You've committed to the decision.  You're going to finally take a stab at Acupuncture!!  Pun very much intended.  But now what?  You don't know what to expect when you get there.  Is it like a doctors visit, or more like a trip to the spa?  Are you going to have to get undressed?  Do the needles hurt?  What if the Acupuncturist explains things, and you don't understand it AT ALL??  Don't panic!!  I've got you covered.  I'm going to answer all of the questions above, and perhaps a few others. Here we go!!

 Get it?? Take a STAB??? Am I the only  one with a terrible sense of humor???

 Get it?? Take a STAB??? Am I the only  one with a terrible sense of humor???

 Is it like a doctors visit, or more like a trip to the spa?       

More often than not, an Acupuncture treatment is more clinical than spa-like.  That isn't to say that it cannot be spa-like, but it usually isn't.  Most people receiving Acupuncture are there for a specific purpose (pain relief, infertility, facial rejuvenation, etc.), and not so much for "general wellness".  However, Acupuncture can, and should, be used for general wellness, much in the same way that people get a monthly (or biweekly, or even weekly) massage to keep their body healthy.   

       I feel, as an add on to that paragraph, I should mention that; if you are going to see an Acupuncturist for a specific condition, it is a good idea to discuss the issue with the Acupuncturist ahead of time, especially since some Acupuncturists have specialties.  This way you can make sure that the Acupuncturist is fluent with, and comfortable treating, your main complaint...and, more importantly, that you are comfortable with them. 

Are you going to have to get undressed?       

       To some degree, yes.  Acupuncture points are all over the body, literally from head to toe, and clothing can get in the way.  Again, don't panic!  At no point will you be exposed in an inappropriate manner.  You will always be covered, be it with a sheet, blanket, towel, or gown/robe. 

Do the needles hurt?

       The needles should never hurt. Acupuncture needles are very thin, sterile, one-time use, and disposable.  Being very thin, and not hollow, they are less uncomfortable than injection needles. That does not mean you will not feel sensation.  You will, most likely, feel the needles being inserted and removed, and sometimes you will feel them being stimulated by the Acupuncturist.  I know everyone paused at the word "stimulated".  I'll elaborate.  Sometimes an Acupuncturist will spin, rotate, or twirl the needles to get a stronger reaction from the needle and the location.  The stimulation of the needle can cause the muscles to twinge, some people say they feel a "zing" or "electricity", and some report a "heaviness" or a "mild ache".    

It doesn't really hurt, you say? Onward then with the pokey-pokey, stabby-stabby!!!

It doesn't really hurt, you say? Onward then with the pokey-pokey, stabby-stabby!!!

        What if the Acupuncturist explains things, and you don't understand it AT ALL??

       This is totally normal and expected.  Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine haven't had the easiest time being translated.  So, not only is there a language barrier to the practice, now there is a medical barrier as well.  If, at any point, you do not understand what your Acupuncturist is telling you, do not hesitate to stop them and ask for clarification.  Remember, this is YOUR treatment, and they are going to be working on YOUR body.  If you want a better explanation of the treatment you have every right to speak up.

Is there anything else you should know?

       Of course there is....but where to begin?  Firstly, it's always good to check and make sure your Acupuncturist is licensed.  Secondly, try to come to your appointment with an open mind.  Obviously, it's already quite open if you're willing to try Acupuncture, but it is a foreign medicine, and it can be difficult to translate how it works.  Every Acupuncturist has a different style and technique, so treatment style can vary from practitioner to practitioner.  

       Lastly, you may find that the questions and diagnostics are rather different from your average doctor visit.  You may get asked questions that do not appear to correlate with your main complaint, but an Acupuncturist is taught that all of the body is connected.  So, what may seem an unimportant question to you, may actually be THE key answer for the Acupuncturist.  Try to be as honest as possible when you answer, even if the questions seem odd and you feel a bit awkward.  Your Acupuncturist will also feel your pulse, on both wrists.  We're checking for the strength, quality, and rhythm (much like in a regular doctors office), but we can also tell how well the blood is flowing through the organs when we feel your pulses, which is why it takes a bit longer (did I just blow your mind with that one?).  The strangest though, will be when your Acupuncturist asks to see your tongue...yes, I'm serious.  The tongue is also a diagnostic tool.  While there are other things the tongue can tell us, the biggest thing is that it is a window into how well your digestive system is functioning (if the pulse didn't blow your mind, I'm sure this one did). 

       Hopefully, after reading this, you feel prepared and less anxious about your first upcoming visit to the Acupuncturist.  Don't feel intimidated by the needles, do your best to relax, and do not hesitate to ask questions.  Your treatment is just that...yours.

  • If you're interested in booking an Acupuncture appointment:
Melanie Murphy L.M.T., L.Ac., MS

What to expect at your first massage visit ...

So, now that you have read our first blog and our long list of services and finely picked out and know what you want, you have no idea what to expect when you come in. What to ware? when to come?  do I shave? do I shower(preferably)? this list may go on.. I hope to answer most of these  mysteries of the massage world so you know what to expect at your first massage visit. 

Let's start with getting ready to go. Showering is always the right answer. Now, if you are getting a massage at a gym right after your workout the therapist expects you to be sweaty so don't worry you wont be judged; just please remember deodorant that day. As for shaving, entirely personal. We massage men, women, elderly, kids and not everyone shaves so we don't expect silky smooth legs;. So, go with your comfort. For me if a shave same day some creams actually irritate my skin.  And what to ware, now what you are doing after does effect this. But something loose and comfortable. There is nothing fun about tight restricting cloths after an hour or more of relaxation. 

When to show up, best bet early. Not so early you might be beetling them to the office or while in another massage but 10-15 minutes so you have time to fill out basic information and explain to you therapist your personal wants and needs-and of course visit the restroom, there is nothing relaxing about having to pee while someone presses on your back. This is great so you make sure not loose out on any massage time having to put on paper how much you aren't stretching but are stressing. 

The therapist will take you to the private treatment room. There is a massage table, some sort of music and a place for your belongings. They will generally go over what your goals are and their plans on getting there(i.e. what they are going to work on) After this they will leave while you get ready. At this moment some anxiety may come on, but take a deep breath and remember this is a massage, the goal is the opposite of that. You were probably told in one way or another to get undressed to YOUR level of comfort. This means what ever you are comfortable with. If you want to leave everything on, do it, if you wanna take it all off, go for it. If you just want to take the top layer of but leave your underwear on, that's fine. Any good therapist know how to work around, over, and with out cloths. So remember YOUR comfort, what ever you will be comfortable with because after all this is YOUR massage. Then just lay on the table under the top sheet and let the relaxation begin. 

During the massage the therapist may move your limbs or neck to get different angles on your muscles. You don't need to help, just relax into the movement and melt into the table. If we need help we'll ask, so don't worry. Now, if at any moment anything is uncomfortable pressure, how you are being moved, the spot on your body is sensitive, just let the therapist know. Yes, we may know more anatomy and science then you, but no one knows your body better than you. So, if anything feels wrong speak up. And if it is tension that needs to be worked thru, then we will find a more comfortable way to do so.  Also, if at any point you feel you need a pillow or more support anywhere just request and the therapist can accommodate.

When the session is over the therapist will step out to allow you to get up and dressed and meet them back in either hallway our waiting area. At this point take a moment, don't just jump up; you may get light headed or dizzy from the increased circulation. Slowly sit up, take a breath then stand. Don' t move into the room but don't feel you need to run out the door either. 

Then you will see your therapist again. They may explain what they felt and give you a few suggestions for what you can do at home as well as a treatment plan and when you should be in for your next massage. 

Make sure to drink plenty of water. The urinary system is one of the bodies ways of eliminating waist and toxins. Increasing you water intake will assist  in flushing the toxins that were stored in tight muscles and released during your massage. 

But the main things to expect are peace, serenity, harmony, relaxation and enjoyment.  



Some Yoga a Day to Keep the Back Pain Away!

Back pain is one of the number one complaints in the US , and wouldn't it be great if there was a simple daily activity you could do to stay pain free,*cough*yoga*cough cough*? More than just a physical practice that will reduce pain but a mental practice that can reduce stress and therefor stress related tension. 

The asana, or pastures/poses, of yoga are active stretches and mobilizations of the muscles and connective tissues in our body. This helps loosen and lengthen tense parts of our bodies that may be cause structural imbalances cause discomfort or even pain. Think of your muscles at ropes tied to an accordion tube, if some of the rope are pulling more than other it would change the Curve of the tube, changing it''s alignment, just like tight muscle in you back could do to your spine. Regularly moving your muscles in there fullest range of motion can keep them loose and balanced. 

The stretching aspect of the asanas can also increase circulation to the body, and better circulation mean healthier tissue, and that means all kind of wonderful things, better mobility, betterfunction, less pain...

As well at stretching, yoga postures also strengthen the body.  When your muscles are stronger the can stabilize your structure (your bones) better, preventing injury and reducing pain. 

Another gift yoga gives is a better awareness of breathing. Helping you focus on breathing into your stomach rather than chest so you use fewer accessory muscles that are inducing unnecessary tension. This is very beneficial for those with upper middle back discomfort. 

And as many know already yoga can be very relaxing for the mind as well. Reducing mental stress can also induce relaxation in muscle because you are now no longer clenching on contracting from a mental discomfort such as worry or anger. 

All of these together in your daily yoga practice will help reduce and maybe even elimination your back pain. 

Don't Be Fooled!! "Dry Needling" Is Really Acupuncture!!!

       Of course, for my first blog topic, I have to choose one that's controversial. There has been, and is still, a lot of controversy around whether or not "Dry Needling" is really Acupuncture. Some, like Physical Therapists and Chiropractors, are claiming that it isn't. While others, namely Acupuncturists, say that it is. I, personally, believe that it IS Acupuncture.

       I know my opinion seems biased, what with me being an Acupuncturist and all, but hear me out! Please...I've done my research. 

       Those that practice "Dry Needling" will tell you that it differs from the techniques of Acupuncture. They will say that it's not Acupuncture because it's based on Western scientific anatomical theory, and focuses on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Whereas Acupuncture is based on "meridian theory". They may also say that "Dry Needling" is not Acupuncture because the primary focus is to release Trigger Points (...we'll get to that later). Another argument is that "Dry Needling" was only discovered fairly recently. It was pioneered by Janet Travell in the 1940's, and has slowly gained traction since. Acupuncture, on the other hand, has been around for thousands of years (why that wouldn't be the ultimate argument in the favor of acupuncture is beyond me).

       Personally, I think the fact that there is a lot of mysticism tied to Acupuncture is the reason why so many would lean more towards "Dry Needling". It's easy to explain, it uses Western scientific words that most people have heard of, and it doesn't sound like scary Chinese Voodoo (no offence to the Chinese, or to Voodoo). It uses words and ideas that aren't familiar; talking about "meridians" and "points", and telling people something is wrong with their "Qi" (or Chi)...meanwhile you, the patient, is sitting there going: "My what? What is qi? What do you mean it's 'vital energy'? Are you sure what you practice is medicine?"

That's not how you do Acupuncture. I'm not even sure that's how you do Voodoo...

That's not how you do Acupuncture. I'm not even sure that's how you do Voodoo...

       Now, as lovely as it would be to answer all of those questions, that's not the purpose today...So, let's get down to business.

       The definition of Acupuncture is: “a method of relieving pain or curing illness by placing needles into a person's skin at particular points on the body”*. So, therefore, the simple act of inserting an acupuncture/”acupuncture style” needle (as quoted by “Dry Needle” practitioners) into the body, for any purpose, is the practice of acupuncture.

*Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary

       Secondly, anyone practicing “Dry Needling” is actually practicing a somewhat rudimentary style of Acupuncture. The technique of directly needling an area that is painful to the touch was outlined in the foundation text of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine called the Huang Di Nei Jing (this was written around the 4th Century BCE). The areas of the muscle that are tender to the touch are referred to as “Ashi” points. They were given their own name because they usually did not correspond to any of the points on the meridians, but were clearly areas that needed to be identified and treated. Even more impressive, a 1977 study conducted by Melzack, Stillwell and Fox, that was published in Pain (the official journal of the International Association of the Study of Pain) established that “every trigger point [reported in the Western medical literature] has a corresponding Acupuncture point.”* Also, a number of subsequent studies that have been published in Western medical literature have reached the same conclusion.

*Source: Melzack R, Stillwell DM, Fox EJ. Trigger points and acupuncture points for pain: correlations and implications. Pain. 1977 Feb;3(1):3–23.

       There are also needle techniques in Chinese Medicine that deal specifically with pain from a muscular origin. These techniques are called Tendino-Muscular Techniques (or Gen-Luo). Tendino-Muscle Meridians are meridians that “pass through depressions and planes between the muscles and tendons. They control the movement of extremities, flexing and extending the joints, they hold the body erect, and protect the body from trauma.”* There are 2 of the Gen-Luo techniques that very strongly correspond to the release of Trigger Points. One is called Ju. This technique requires that the patient be put into whatever position is causing the muscle pain, and then having those tissues strongly released by an Acupuncture needle. The second technique is called Luo. This technique is only to be used if a non-meridian point of pain (“Ashi” point) is painful to the touch and the pain refers to another location. Hmm....that sounds a LOT like a trigger point to me...let's investigate the definition of a Trigger Point just to be sure: “a localized usually tender or painful area of the body and especially of a muscle that when stimulated gives rise to pain elsewhere in the body”.* Well, my mind is blown...How about yours?

*Source: The Twelve Tendino-Muscular Meridians. Part 1 July 3, 2015 Martin Eisen [Scientific Qi Exploration 气的科学探讨] The Twelve Tendino-Muscular Meridians. Part 1 Marty Eisen Ph.D.
*Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary
Is it an Ashi point or a Trigger Point? We'll never know.

Is it an Ashi point or a Trigger Point? We'll never know.

       If you take anything from this long-winded almost rant of mine, I hope, above all, that it's education. Don't let the mask of “Dry Needling” fool you, or steer you away from trying Acupuncture...especially now that you know they're the same medicine.

  • Melanie Murphy L.M.T., L.Ac., MS

Your Heart Beats For Massage: Benefits of Massage on the Cardiovascular System!

Providing the cells in the body with oxygen and nutrients is one of the main functions of our cardiovascular system. We eat right, exercise and do what we can to keep it in tip top shape. But could you be doing more? Could something as pleasant as massage really be the missing link in our cardiovascular health? Maybe!

Massage is one of the best ways to aid venous return.  As our arteries have the heart to keep blood flowing smoothly, by the time the current reaches veins it's a bit dull... Daily muscular contraction help pump the fluid back to the heart but  unfortunately more often then not we have a stagnant lifestyle:sitting at desk, commuting in cars or on trains and this is when massage can pick up the slack and aid the return of blood thru your circulatory system. 

The warming of muscles, connective tissue and our integumentary (skin) system leads to the dilation of our blood vessels. Basically widening the road for more blood to flow thru, like adding an extra lain on the highway. There for increasing circulation! Also, with vascular dilation( the diameter of our blood vessels widening) blood pressure also reduced. And a massage might just be the most pleasant way to lower your blood pressure. 

Massage can also stimulate the spleen to bring more red blood cell(RBC) into the body. RBCs are responsible fore bringing oxygen from the lungs to the cells, so the increase of RBC increases the amount of oxygen thru out the body. 

So help your heart do it's job and get MASSSAGE!

Love the Skin You're In: Massage Therapy Benefits for the Integumentary System !

Be tall, short, fat or skinny we are all wrapped up in skin. Our largest organ with a team of glands, hairs, and nails to create our integumantary system. And though we all know how massage loosens muscles and breaks up scar tissue, did you realize how it helps you skin too! 

Most people might think its the application of oils or creams that richens their skin after a massage. And though it does help, what really if benefiting is the stimulation of the sebaceous or oil glands to produce the secretion of sebum better know as oil. Therefore reducing dryness and giving you moist, healthy skin! 

The condition, texture and tone of skin also is improved. When circulation is improved nutrients is increased to the cells of the organs therefore improving the health of the entire organ system!

Also, by massaging the skin warmth is created which reduces stress thru out the body. 

So try massage today and not just feel but look great!

Cast Your Pain Away! Why Fishermen Should get Massage!

Few things are better than either sitting in a boat, standing by the shore or on a rock and just casting your line out, some may say. Some of us find peace and tranquility by the water or joy and excitement. But sometimes the catch of the day is a stiff back and sore shoulders rather than a record breaking base. So, maybe it's time to get a massage and cast that pain away!

Though some may think the constant casting  motion is to blame. But any fisher would say it's the standing ridged for hours is what gets them stiff. Which is true. Standing upright in a single, steady position is more stressful on muscles then most would think. The fibers are in a fixed contraction making them rigid and "stiff" feeling". By holding the body in the same position you create a tension pattern. And if you don't  loosen these now contracted muscle it can lead to pain, decreased circulation or even numbness and tingling. 

Stretching before and after every time you fish is the most ideal. You want to move your shoulders and spine in their full range of motion in every direction. 

For example:

  • Spine
  1. gently flex the  spine by laying on your back and bringing your knees into your chest
  2. from here slowly twist you spine by bringing your knees to one side and looking to the opposite (do this to both sides)
  3. laterally flex or "side bend" by sitting upright and placing one palm on the floor and reaching the other up and over (do on both sides)
  • Shoulder
  1. reach your arm across the front of you body
  2. reach you arm up and bend the elbow reaching the palm between your shoulder blades 
  3. reach your arm down then bend the elbow and reach the palm up between the shoulder blades 


When stretching isn't enough or if you are being honest and you just forget or don;t want to a massage is another great option. A massage therapist can manually work out tension from stiff, sore muscles. As well as work out deeper trigger points stretching is unable to resolve. 

  • Recommended Techniques
  1. Swedish Massage : improves circulation and soothes sore muscles
  2. Deep Tissue: breaks up trigger points "knots" deep in muscle bellies 
  3. Thai Massage: a massage or stretching and compressive massage
  4. Gua Sha: deep muscle stripping with a tool ideal for bound up connective tissue and stubborn knots 


Into The Swing of Things:How Massage can Help your Golf Game!

Over 12 million Americans enjoy at least 8 games of golf a year(according to an article from And whether you are the occasional player or weekly wonder, you just want to get into the swing or things and get your perfect swing. On top of practice,stretching and exercise, have you considered how massage can help improve your game?

Therapeutic massage  is ideal for all kinds of athletes, so why not golfers? Honestly, especially  golfers! A sport that requires flexibility and a full range of motion in the back, hips,neck,  shoulder..the list can go on. 

Everyone probably knows how massage can sooth aching muscles and help speed healing time for injured muscles. That massage helps with circulation and stress relief but do you realize with all of this it lengthens the muscles? Therefor, increasing the ranges of motion of the joints they connect to. Massage can break up restricting connective tissue. Improve circulation to joins giving them a more fluid movement. All of this together can bring you that much closer to your perfect swing. 

 Different techniques recommended for golfers:

  • Swedish Massage- ideal for increasing circulation and relaxing muscles
  • Deep tissue- great for loosening tight muscles 
  • Myofascial massage-perfect for releasing connective tissue
  • Neuromuscular Therapy- best for breaking up trigger points or "knots" in muscle bellies 
  • Thai/yoga massage-a perfect blend of compresive trigger point work with stretches, passive movement that will increase your range of motion instantly