Welcome to Massage, Now What?

Welcome to the wonderful world of massage. now what? Whether you have stress, pain, injurer, were in an accident, recovering from surgery and any number of the great reasons to receive a massage, you have finally decided to take the plunge and join the thousands of massage loving people in the world. Great! But now what?

Finding a place. A nice, reputable place. One with licensed massage therapist, insured, clean, relaxing,  and, as always, with good reviews! So, naturally you found yourself here(maybe our yelp page helped with that) But now, what kind of massage!? There are just so many mind boggling choices! Have you seen the service page! You wanted to do this to relive stress nor receive it!  

Step one, deep breath in. Second step, ask yourself what you want and need from your massage? Then, you can either read thru the long services page  or this great paralleling article on WebMD http://www.webmd.com/balance/massage-therapy-styles-and-health-benefits 

or just give us a call and ask to speak with a massage therapist  that can explain what would benefit you best. And sometime that is a casserole of styles to fit your snowflake of needs. Every body and history is different so sometimes even though you and your besties aches are the same you massage is not. But the right massage and massage therapist is out there for you. And when you find it let the healing begin. So try us or anywhere but enjoy! 


Source: www.webmd.com/balance/massage-therapy-stre...

New Web Site


Due to a recent cyber attack on our old host we were forced to move to a new web hosting service. Our new site will offer all the same information and provide all the same services as before.

Stay tuned as we continue to upgrade and clean up our website for your viewing pleasure!