The Benefits of an Acne Facials and How They Can Help Keep Your Breakouts at Bay!

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Smooth, perfect, baby soft skin is a dream for us all. Sometimes, or for some of us all the time, this is an all to elusive one. Breakouts and pimples leave us less then ready for our close ups.

But what do we do? Covering up with makeup is only a "bandaid" fix and can even worsen the problem. 

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Trapped dirt, oil and dead skin all lead to breakouts. And washing our faces everyday sometimes just isn't enough. Sometimes we need just a little bit more.

Getting a facial geared toward acne on a regular basis (once a month, or every two weeks if acne is more active or if pores are very congested) can help mend and prevent breakouts, as well as heal acne scarring.

Basic clean up, steam and exfoliation removes dead skin cells and rejuvenates the skin. The deep pore-cleansing benefits of the acne facial makes use of extractions, massage techniques and masks targeted specifically for active acne and acne prone skin. 

Herb, botanical and essential oil based organic cleansers and serums help to break up acne-causing bacteria with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, while balanced pH levels keep the skin clear of new breakouts. 

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Extractions can be mild, but with acne-prone skin they are typically a bigger part of acne facials, since debris living inside the pores are then physically removed. 

Toner (rather than astringent - which is usually alcohol based and drying to the skin) then helps balance oil while delivering essential vitamins, minerals and herbs to help with the healing process.

 The facial is topped off by a non-greasy moisturizer. The results will leave your skin soft, bright, revitalized, and ready for that close up!